

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
How can you imperatively show that you have personally led, directed, and thoroughly reviewed the work efforts required to achieve authorities’ compliance as President and Chief Executive Officer?
What are the costs associated with not being able to monitor business, regulations and quality issues throughout your organisation?
How do you estimate the lack of adequate process to manage, collaborate and report-on strategy, initiatives, projects and actions? Do you have sufficient documented feedback?
What are the costs associated with the lack of clear understanding of strategies and initiatives by your personnel?
How much is lost-trough the difficulty in showing strategy linkage to team/department?
What is the cost’s implication to not successfully achieve the goals established as part of your enterprise's strategy?
What is the cost of a bad connection between planning & execution?
What are the costs of communication breakdown between members of your staff?
What is the cost of lack of information on projects not link to strategic initiatives?
How much it cost not having-strategic direction available anytime, anywhere in the world?
Is your Company loosing money due to the lack of enterprise-wide collaboration and communication capabilities? Can you implement strategic changes rapidly?
What is the cost of organizational confusion that is always created with the planning, introduction and deployment of new initiatives?
How much trouble can produce the non-alignment of company goals?
When do you know when an initiative must be scrapped? How much you
lost? And what are the lessons to learn from it?
How can you be ensured that there will be no more surprises?
How much can you save by implementing Executive Reporting Service?
Do you believe your corporate strategies are implemented effectively?
Can you obtain, a Snapshot view of all deployments increases downstream management accountability?
Are you aware of costs to Identify and control risk elements without containment strategies?
Can you be assured of cost controls during the delivery of new product or market to create new revenue streams you need?
Can you be easily made aware of the lost computer surrounding systems not working properly?
What is the toll of not using technologies to grow existing-business?
What is the cost of not teaching your business-focused Executives to be more technology minded?
Are you made aware of monitored clients change over time to reduce operating costs?
What is the cost of not raising effectiveness and efficiency? How much is lost by not enforcing organizational discipline?
What are the costs related to not being able to monitor competitive business vision-implementation?
What is the toll of not using a road map discipline approach to control costs?


Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Corporate Secretary
General Counsel, Controller and Taxation
How can you imperatively show that you have personally led, directed, and thoroughly reviewed the work efforts required to achieve authorities’ compliance as Chief Financial Officer?
How rapidly can you be informed of a doubtful ROI?
Can you prevent lack of accountability?
Can you prevent lack of accountability?
What is the cost of not sharing common files globally?
What is the cost of not providing a centralized method to manage and collaborate on programs and projects that are linked to strategic initiatives and objectives?
What is the cost of not deploying on time the policies, processes and products necessary to achieve the organization's strategic goals?
How much it cost not tracking the financial impact down to the project level?
Can you determine clearly what the company suffered from the last departmental initiative mis aligned with corporate strategies?
What was lost in Resources on duplicate projects or non-strategic initiatives?
What was the cost of the inability to show financial impact and link projects to larger initiatives?
Can you easily evaluate projects and how they affect the bottom line?
What is the cost of inadequate communications between departments/levels?
Can you identify rapidly blocking issues to the responsible senior executives to prevent losses?
Are you informed of change management initiative costly bottlenecks?
Can you monitor the Mergers and Acquisitions decision-making workflow process to reduce lost of time and money?
What is the impact of the lost of Real-Time Communications among Team Members during Mergers or Acquisitions processes?
How do you find those troublesome initiatives that overrun budget because of unanticipated problems?
Can you save by better understanding the current state of an initiative, by drilling down into issue status and personnel contributions?
Is your average communications overhead cost associated with travel to meetings is generally estimated to be $2,000 per executive day?
Are you sure your corporation is in compliance to new laws and regulation?
What is the implication of not being made aware of potential noncompliance issues?
Are all discussions, documents, and decision-making processes, for your protection, associated with the resolution of issues stored properly?
Can you assure authorities subsidiary, divisional (including overseas divisions), departmental and other data feeding into the corporate financial accounting system is accurate?
How can you be certain that your personnel accurately report on the effectiveness of internal control systems?
Can you report to authorities "on a rapid and current basis" events that might result in material changes to the financial condition of the corporation?
Can you achieve Company-wide Accountability to reduce cost?
Can you track the financial impact down to the project level?
Can you link initiatives along with financial impact to reduce risk?
What are the costs of not receiving on time budget planning and control information?
Corporate Business Development, Marketing and Communications
How can you imperatively show that you have personally led, directed, and thoroughly reviewed the work efforts required to achieve your business goals?
Do you have sufficient documented feedback from your Marketing and Sales staff to reduce cost and take advantage of business opportunities?
What is the implication to not successfully achieve the business development goals established?
What is the cost of not re-aligning rapidly a business initiative in trouble?
How many business opportunities are mists due to the inability to clearly communicate strategies?
How much can be lost by not managing by priorities of the week, month, year for your entire department head?
What are the costs of inadequate communications between-Marketing and
Sales departments/levels?
What is the cost of not having constructive contributions of any and all individuals within your organization?
Can you plan and deploy rapidly a strategic initiative?
What is the cost of a failed business initiative implementation on time?
How much are you losing to not receive on time information from one of your staff?
What are the costs of not monitoring properly your organization's performance and profitability by leveraging your employees Quality delivery capabilities?
How much is lost when information is withheld during a business risk assessment?
What are the costs related to a mist plan product deployment planning and rollout when information where not provided on time?


Information Technology
How can you imperatively show that you have personally led, directed, and thoroughly reviewed the work efforts required to achieve your Information Technology goals?
Can you ensure Management that your IT solutions are technically sound, results-oriented, measurable, cost-effective and sustainable?
What is the cost of time-consuming meetings to update project progress?
What is the cost with unanticipated problems that always arise during the course of a project and must be quickly and correctly solved?
Can you identify rapidly issues that must be resolved to cut your losses?
What is the cost of a failed IT initiative implementation on time?
Are you informed on time of business our IT projects budget overrun?
Did you know that seventy percent (70%) of all IT-based strategic initiatives either fail outright or do not achieve their planned goals in terms of functionality, cost, or schedule? How is your organization doing?
How much is lost when information is withheld during a software project risk assessment?
Can you fully understand the company's current IT investment activities?
Did you know according to industry analysts, 60% of the problems and
80% of the remediation costs associated with new IT applications to support business processes are caused by inaccurate and improper functional requirements specifications? How is your organization doing?
Can you significantly lower the costs associated with planning and deploying the IT-based strategic initiatives required remaining viable in today's highly competitive global marketplace?
What is the cost of a bad communication between IT planning & implementation?
How can you be ensured that there will be no more surprises during implementation?
When do you know when an IT project must be scrapped?
Can you monitor effectively the lack of end-user acceptance?
Can you be informed of changed market conditions to reduce complaints from end-users?
What is the cost of not being informed of poor implementation of functionality?
How can you reduce costs from stability, performance and scalability problems?


Human Resources and Knowledge Management
How can you imperatively show that you have personally led, directed, and thoroughly reviewed the work efforts required to achieve your Human Resources and Knowledge Management goals?
What is the cost associated of not escalating information or issues to Senior Executive for guidance by Department/level staff?
How much money is lost when information is withheld during a staffing requirements and recruiting management processes?
What is the lost associate to Hidden Knowledge worth in your organization?
What is the cost of not sharing expert knowledge to inform and educate the team as a whole?
Could you evaluate the savings when reuse techniques, know-how, and
best practices are offered across even the largest multi-national corporation?
How do you find those individuals who make important, constructive contributions to your bottom-line to reproduce their success?


Research and Development, Engineering Operations and Manufacturing
How can you imperatively show that you have personally led, directed, and thoroughly reviewed the work efforts required to achieve your goals?
What are the costs of communication breakdown between research, development and implementation members of your staff particularly when using; ISO9000, SEI CMM, Malcolm Baldrige, or Six Sigma Quality management environment?
Are you provided with the issue-based and personnel-participation status report you need to monitor problems to reduce cost for your Integrated Product Development and Concurrent Engineering initiatives?
Are you concerned about any blocking issues, such as the inability to produce a critical component, which will cause a misalignment of available manufacturing and marketing resources?
How much can you save by implementing a Decision Making Workflow?
Are you loosing by not aligning manufacturing process performance for better profitability?
When do you know when R & D projects must be scrapped?
How much is lost if you are not made aware of new Quality requirements?
What happen when you cannot monitor in the corporate structure Quality goals determination?
How much is lost when information is not transmitted on time or at all on Customer perception assessment?
What are the consequences of not providing to Executives Quality cost factors and Quality return on investment?

We suggest you to request one of our professional to contact you to help you understand Enterprise Initiative Management within the context of business strategy setting and execution of your organization. Just fill in an e-mail with necessary contact information and a few details click here and we will contact you ASAP.

You can download this document in a PDF format for: All the subjects or:
You can download only the section for: Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
You can download only the section for: Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Corporate Secretary General Counsel, Controller and Taxation
You can download only the section for: Information Technology
You can download only the section for: Human Resources and Knowledge Management
You can download only the section for: Research and Development, Engineering
Operations and Manufacturing